Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Videos from Module 1

Video: The Machine is Us/ing Us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLlGopyXT_g

1 comment:

  1. It really is quite amazing how quickly the world has changed when it comes to communication and how and where people access information. Despite the rapid changes and ever-evolving technologies, our Town Council insisted, until recently, that Town Administration use traditional media more so than new media. Although we have a nearly 50/50-split on generation representation on Council, the elected officials were convinced that our local community paper was the "trusted authority" for getting information out to residents.

    Fortunately, with the growing push for citizen engagement and the poor (declining) results of our traditional efforts, Council is seeing the importance and relevance of using these tools - but using them effectively.

    On a personal note, although one of the videos referenced a decline in newspaper circulation, I still prefer the old style; there's nothing like sitting in my favourite chair at the breakfast table each morning, enjoying a cup of java while reading the paper. Does that make me old- and old-fashioned? ;-)

    Well, truth-be-told, I also access news on my mobile via a plethora of different news-feeds...:-)

    The other thing that I've noticed a lot, as a former journalist and now a communicator, is the increasing rise of citizen-journalism. Everyone has "news" or opinions to share and that information is often out before the "regular media" has a chance to put its pants on in the morning. :-)
